Guillermo Salinas López

photo of Guillermo Salinas Lopez


Ph.D. student


Academic Degrees

2015. Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics Engineering, Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elche, Spain)

2016. Master’s Degree on Industrial Electronics, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

research lines

Thermal modelling of high frequency magnetic components. DC/DC Power Conversion for aerospace applications.

short cv

Guillermo Salinas López received  the B.Sc. degree in electronics engineering from the Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH), Elche (Spain), and the M.Sc. degree in  industrial electronics from the Universidad Politécnica (UPM), Madrid (Spain), in 2015 and 2016 respectively. During its stay in the Industrial Electronics Research Group in the UMH, he participate in the design and optimization of a ZVZCPS resonant power converter for space applications and contributed with his results to a research project about the analysis of the performance of GaN devices. The focus of his M.Sc. thesis, developed in the Industrial Electronics Center in the UPM, was in the development of a power distribution module for a satellite, in collaboration with Thales-Alenia Space company. His current research interests are focused on the thermal modelling of magnetic components and semiconductor devices, as well as the optimization of power converters for aerospace applications.